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Send a Sample Toasty Choice Card

Experience what it’s like for the recipient.

  • Customize reward template Image
  • Add recipients Image
  • Send Rewards & Redeem Image

Please enter a valid email address.

order management page on Toasty Dashboard with Amazon gift card order details
Branded Gift Card page on Toasty dashboard

Toasty Self-Serve Portal

Effortless Task Management

Our intuitive platform is designed to simplify
your tasks and enhance your rewards program.

  • 1 Create an account. Yes, it’s free.
  • 2 Pre-fund your account.
  • 3 Invite your team members and assign permissions.
  • 4 Start sending gift card rewards!
  • 5 View order history and manage recipients.
Ready to take the first step towards better rewards and incentives? Let’s chat.